The police-related and judicial genres are popular with the general public. There are a significant number of series on the different streaming platforms which plot revolves around lawyers and/ or police (1). These series have an impact on the public’s view of the justice system.
Yet, it can be seen that most of these series are North American and represent a North American judicial system. We can also see a rise in power of series which plot is based on the judicial systems of European states: Alice Nevers the judge is a woman, The Law According to Lidia Poët... Nevertheless, it is very difficult to find a judicial series that revolves around the Court of Justice of the European Union, the European Court of Human Rights or that only incorporates a European dimension. Indeed, these series involve European countries only through police cooperation, for a murder arriving at a border for example, and only during some episodes. This judicial cooperation is thus very little dealt with in the series. These facts may be explained by the fact that judicial and police series must be entertaining in order to attract the general public and generate sufficient income to continue filming. However, it should be noted that the realism of these series has improved over the years. The Gears series shows for the first time, a real French courtroom. There is therefore the possibility, despite everything, for these series, by accentuating realism, to have a real pedagogical potential.
The series could become a real information issue in France and the European Union. According to a 2021 Senate poll, 51% of French people are not familiar with the workings of the French judicial system. So how could they understand the European judicial system? In the EU, most citizens know that there are laws to protect their rights but they do not know exactly what those laws are about. The French are also quite critical of their judicial systems. At the EU level, indicators seem to be better. The perception of judicial independence has improved, including in countries facing systemic challenges.
On the other hand, from a strictly cultural point of view, there is also a real issue. The multiple North American judicial and police series have made it a popular culture that there is a Fifth Amendment or that the judge in the North American judicial system uses a “gavel”. While we have in our culture very few flagship elements associated with the European judicial system.
The creation of quality judicial and police series, focusing on the European judicial system through the European Court of Human Rights or the Court of Justice of the European Union, could allow the birth of a common judicial culture. It would have the advantage of connecting the European people, but also to restore partly confidence in national and European justice. However, this must not be the only tool to recreate a dialogue between jurisdictions and people. In France, for example, there are associations and events related to law. These initiatives should also be encouraged at the European level.
By Lucie Petit
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